Sunday, July 31, 2011

Election of 2008

Before the funeral, this was the last time I saw Leo.  Whenever I admit this - it simply hurts my heart.  This will forever be one of my life's biggest regrets.  You simply don't expect to lose putting off visiting doesn't seem like that big of a deal.   I try not to dwell on this reality, because it is very unproductive.  Since I called their house daily, it didn't feel like years - and for that - I'm forever thankful.

I was in MI for a few days around the election.   It was a great visit.  It was the first time I had seen their house - Leo's kitchen - meeting a few of the new cats.  It was abnormally warm in MI for November - I remember we sat outside a lot, went on walks, etc.  I knew that there were pictures taken, but I couldn't remember who had them.   Today I found the pictures on my external hard drive!

John and Carol were having people over at their house that night.  That was the first time I had met John, Carol, Allen and Brenda.  I had no idea at the time - but for me - they are now a direct connection to Leo.  He loved them dearly - I feel so much comfort when I'm around them.  Great, great people - or my new aunts and uncles - as I have been fondly referring to them as.  I want my future kids (major assumption here) to spend time with them - and learn things they would have learned from Leo.  Examples: sailing, cooking, loving, laughter, wine (when legal of course), etc...

The three of us had a lot of fun thinking about what food to take.  For example: chicken wings for "left-winged media"; "blue - corn chips" get the idea.  It was a great night and I'm so thankful I decided to escape the South's sea of red for the 2008 Election.

Here are a few of the pictures: 

Leo came home with a special treat for the 3 of us.  

This is after Obama won!  As you can tell, we are all very happy.  I. LOVE. THIS. PICTURE!  

Poor Allen was nervous the first part of the night.  It was good that I was there - to remind him the first round of election returns are typically from the South :). 

Mom and I excited about our "Yes we can" sodas! 

Yes, the pin says "Demo-Cats for Obama"

Mom and Leo :)


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