Friday, April 27, 2012

just an awful day

Today has been rough.  I'm on my third set of tears and its not even 4pm yet...thankfully...I am at home for round 3...

It just seems like every single sort of stress I have came full on today.  Work, friends, money, Leo, Leo again, Leo, thinking about Leo, thinking about May 17, Leo, etc, etc

I literally feel my heart hurting today - it hasn't been like this in awhile.  I will honestly say that this feeling is one that I haven't missed.

Before I started having cry-fest #2 at work - I was having a really weird reaction...I felt shaky - I felt enraged - I was so angry about work and friends.  Then, thankfully, I broke down in tears and the rage kind of went away.   It's just and why does everything happen at once?  Or maybe this is just normal life and my outlook for the day determines how I handle the normal life...

Whatever it is - I'm happy I'm home, it's the weekend and I'll be able to be productive around the house this weekend.

If there is anything I have learned in the last's that these huge waves of deep sadness eventually leave...and I'll go back to my not even a year old "normalcy."  


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