Sunday, February 23, 2014

I saw her in my dreams!

It was wonderful and yet so heartbreaking.  I had a vivid dream about my mom.  I saw her and hugged her for what seemed like days - proclaimed "I am so happy you are alive, mom!"  Told her about Leo's music (which her reply was to give me her smirk/half grin disappointed look) - told her how I'm sorry I had to winterize the house because the heat broke - but I have the money to fix it.  Talked about how I was excited to stop the life insurance claim...but then I woke up.  I was so sad waking up.  I wanted to stay in her presence forever.

I have spent all day heartbroken with a huge massive yearning.

I just want my mom back.

"I'll see you in my dreams...
Hold you in my dreams..."

I love you mom.

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