Monday, January 2, 2012

It's over!!!

2011 is finally over!  Being able to say that is something that brings a big smile to my face.

I have spent the last few days - not talking to anyone besides my mom.  My friend Kim tried to video chat me this weekend - but I sadly was outside and didn't hear the ringing.  I have realized how utterly alone I am.  This weekend was another reminder... It's awful and depressing.  I really don't have one girlfriend I can call to hang out or grab a beer.  I need that.   Especially now when all I feel is sad and angry.  I've been really teary about Leo this past week - I just can't wrap my head around him not being alive.  I miss him so much - I can literally feel the pain.  It's almost been 8 months - and the pain hasn't lessen.  It's nights like tonight where I'd love to be in a bar watching football - not crying on my couch.  One day...

Anyway,  since I had a lot of solo time to think - I have come up with small attainable goals for the upcoming year:

1. Read more - at least one book a month (however more is encouraged!)
2. Take a cooking class.
3. TRY to make new friends - and if I find one or two I click with - invest in them.
4. Limit my money I spend on lunches out to only $20 a month.  If you add up how much you spend on food - it's really sickening.  I spend a lot of money on lunches out.   However, dinner and being social is allow to exceed $20!
5. Tuck money away for a trip - I don't know where or when - but I want to travel somewhere - even if I go solo.  Maybe I'll go to London and see Simon.  Who knows..
6.  Get to work on time. 

Very small goals.  If I can't reach them - no big deal.  That's why they are "goals" :)  The easy way out...

Happy New Year!

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